Tag Archives: Call To Adventure

Webisode #001 – Call To Adventure

By Christian on

We’re terribly sorry for the long silence since the website launched earlier this year. But now we’re back  and we are proud to present you the first regular chronerion entertainment webisode (Watch the pilot here), in which the main-motivation behind setting up the chronerion entertainment project is explained.

Have fun!


Transcript of Webisode #001 – Call To Adventure

I don’t remember if Maniac Mansion was the first point-and-click adventure I ever played. But I do know that it left a far deeper impression than Monkey Island, Indiana Jones or any of the other big adventure game classics.

I must have been eleven or twelve years old and already had gathered some experience with video games – when Maniac Mansion was a real culture shock to me. Abstract and imaginative games like Super Mario Brothers, The Legend of Zelda and Tetris
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